Kent Ecology is a specialist botanical consultancy which can offer the following services:
Preliminary Ecological appraisals
They are sometimes also referred to as extended Phase I habitat surveys or ecological scoping surveys. They are baseline ecological surveys and usually form the first stage in the development site assessment process. They start with a desk study to obtain records from local and national data sources, which may require a records search from the local biological records centre. Depending upon the size and nature of the site they may include a habitat survey, carried out to a standard methodology, followed by an assessment of the possible presence of protected species. They highlight the value of ecological features and are therefore a valuable informant of the likely impacts of the development and the constraints of the project. They can be used to inform mitigation for development impacts and can be a useful tool for designing out project constraints, hence avoiding the need to apply for protected species development licences. They also advise on possible ecological enhancements and look for opportunities to create a biodiversity net gain. They inform the need for more detailed surveys for protected species or habitats. Ecological appraisals can be carried out at any time of the year but those conducted in the spring/summer months will provide a better picture of the botanical value of the site.
Phase I habitat surveys
​Phase 1 habitat survey provides a relatively rapid system to record semi-natural vegetation and other wildlife habitats. Each habitat type/feature is defined by way of a brief description and is allocated a specific name, an alpha-numeric code, and unique mapping colour. The system has been widely used and continues to act as the standard 'phase 1' technique for habitat survey across the UK.
UK Habitat Classification Surveys
This is a new classification, which covers terrestrial and freshwater habitats. It can be used in a wide range of survey types from walkover surveys of small urban sites to regional and national scale rural habitat mapping. It is the main survey technique underpinning the use of the DEFRA metric to inform Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments.
Biodiversity Net Gain Condition Assessment Surveys
These surveys follow the condition assessment methodology prescribed by the latest version of the DEFRA BNG metric. They form part of the process of producing Biodiversity Net Gain Reports to inform the planning system. Please note that Kent Ecology only offer BNG assessments for landowners wishing to offer their land as BNG sites. We do not undertake BNG assessments for developers wishing to build upon sites.
National Vegetation Classification surveys (NVC)
​They are also referred to as Phase II habitat surveys. They are detailed botanical surveys, the need for which may be identified as part of the Ecological Appraisal, if ecologically valuable habitat types are recorded.
Common Standards Monitoring
Condition assessments enable the appraisal of the 'condition' of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) features by assessment of key attributes, against a set of habitat or species-specific targets. The methodologies were devised by the UK statutory conservation agencies, for the primary purpose of monitoring nationally designated sites.
Ecological management plans
A management plan can be important for maintaining and enhancing valuable ecological features of a site. Sometimes they will form a condition of the planning consent.
Phase II surveys
The consultancy can undertake some survey work for protected animal species, including great crested newts, common reptiles and water voles. It may be possible to source survey work for other protected species from a network of local ecological consultancies, able to undertake this work under the appropriate survey licences. Depending upon the likely impacts of the project they may also be able to assist the client in applying to Natural England for protected species development licences.